We work together with a number of leading companies in the renewable energy industry. We aim to help students orient themselves in the market and get to know different companies and work fields. The step from the university to a company can be a large one, we hope to make the transition easier and smoother by giving students an inside look at the companies they could later work at. For companies, this is a great opportunity to recruit full time employees, interns, or working students. A sponsorship at NRG is an exceptionally well targeted investment in long-term talent acquisition.
TenneT is a leading European electricity transmission system operator (TSO) with its main activities in the Netherlands and Germany. With over 23,000 kilometres of high-voltage connections the company ensure a secure supply of electricity to 41 million end-users.
TenneT is a key player in the electricity supply chain. This chain consists of producers of electricity from both conventional and renewable fast-growing energy sources, grid companies that transmit electricity (including TenneT), electricity suppliers, customers (industrial and small-scale users) and prosumers (energy consumers acting as producers). Click here to learn more about TenneT.
Northpool, based in Leiden, is a commodity trading company specializing in energy and weather-related markets. With expertise in fundamentals, efficiency, and opportunities, Northpool optimizes power trading through data-driven strategies and seeks talented graduates for various trading roles. Visit their website to learn more about the company.

Guidehouse is an international consultancy firm supporting businesses in many different industries. The energy, sustainability & infrastructure section provides services to a wide range of businesses and public agencies. The services include portfolio and asset management, strategy and execution for sustainable transport, citizen engagement, and much more!
InEnergie is een netwerkorganisatie van ervaren experts uit Utrecht die samen duurzame energieprojecten ontwikkelen. Samen willen zij in Nederland een versnelling teweegbrengen in het realiseren van een toekomstgerichte energievoorziening.
Wij weten welke energieoplossingen realistisch zijn en helpen organisaties investeren in een groene toekomst. Zo bieden wij opdrachtgevers ondersteuning bij het managen, ontwikkelen, exploiteren en financieren van duurzame energieprojecten. InEnergie adviseert over het concreet en haalbaar maken van projecten, maar kan ook ontzorgen door zelf oplossingen te realiseren en duurzame energiesystemen te exploiteren.
Met ons warmtebedrijf InWarmte leveren we exclusief energie uit WKO-systemen, warmtepompen en zonne-energiesystemen. Dit doen we als asset-owner, maar we kunnen ook duurzame energiesystemen ontwikkelen en exploiteren als dienstverlener.
InEnergie is regelmatig op zoek naar pas afgestudeerden, afstudeerders en werkstudenten. Bekijk onze actuele vacatures op www.inenergie.nl/vacatures.

Contact us to find out what we can do for your organisation!
Feel free to reach out to discuss the options which we can offer to get you in contact with our talented students